Monday, October 29, 2012

Wheels Up: Bangkok via Shanghai

The day has finally arrived! Today we begin our 7 week adventure through the South East Pacific, starting with a 12hour flight to Shanghai. I'm not going to lie... It's a little nerve racking crossing the ocean in a flying tube. I haven't had the opportunity to venture outside of North America until now, and the idea of being outside of my comfort zone gives me some minor anxiety. Ah well, thats the point of this trip really. I really needed a system reboot, since "normal" life was boring the hell out of me. Besides, I've done my fare share of traveling since I was 16 and I've made it this far right? I'm pretty confident in my survival skills and common sense will keep us safe. Oh, the Adivans that Jordy hooked me up with helped as well ;)

We decided early on to book with Eastern China Air. I usually do extensive research before booking vacations, but the price was so good back in January that we bought the tickets without looking into user reviews. Anyway, after booking the flight I started reading the reviews and people were saying that Eastern China Air is equivalent to a bus with wings. I wasn't looking forward to this flight at all. Now I'm not sure if it's related to the deal that YVR has with this airline, but I have to say it's really not that bad. The 3 of us are sharing a roomy 4 seat row, I've had 3 free beers and the staff are pretty nice. I guess people to write reviews when service goes wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Beer and ativan to cure the anxiety of hurtling through the stratosphere on a less than reputable airline, headed to a land farr farr awayy...I love it. Keep them posts coming, bloggy dogg!
